Coaches listen curiously, without judgment to other people’s words and the unarticulated desires beneath their words. What emotion is this person exhibiting? Do her actions and her expressed intentions align? Often, I ask myself, “what does this person Really want?” What is important to him? Who does this woman want to be seen and heard […]
Neighbor Appreciation Day!
When was the last time you thanked your favorite neighbors for all they do for you? My neighbors help ferry my children to school every weekday. They check out creepy bumps and lights on dark nights. They recommend plumbers, electricians, gardeners and plumbers. Their teenagers babysit for us. All of our children always have playmates […]
Making More Fun!
What would it do for you to have more fun at work? What if your mad-scramble mornings started a half-hour earlier, but were merry and you drove off to your office with a smile on your face? Our neighbors have banded together to take our kids to school every morning. The parent in charge that […]