At the commencement of each year, news media encourages us to reflect on the year past and consider what we will do differently this year. For many of us, this process reminds our better to self show up. And this precious person shows up in force for the first week or month or even through […]
PLAYING THE LONG GAME IN LAW: Can we shift the legal paradigm to make law practice more sustainable?
So many of us have heard the buzz words “mindfulness” and “sustainability” lately. My local organic produce market leaps to mind. The mindfulness buzzards have been circling the corporate world for a few years and are now settling on law firms as well. Mindfulness has become one of the legal world’s new “shoulds.” We haven’t […]
The Impact of Acting in Alignment with Our Values for a Cause Greater Than Our Own Self-Interest
Martin Luther King Jr. was an African-American pastor in a segregated southern U.S. state. He had a clear vision arising out of his values of justice and freedom and driven by an objective far larger than his own self-interest. He pursued his vision unhesitatingly until that dream catapulted him onto the national stage as the […]