Coaches listen curiously, without judgment to other people’s words and the unarticulated desires beneath their words. What emotion is this person exhibiting? Do her actions and her expressed intentions align? Often, I ask myself, “what does this person Really want?” What is important to him? Who does this woman want to be seen and heard […]
Respect Others By Filtering Instead of Judging
We each have our unique perspective on life shaped by our unique experiences, including our career choices, family, friend choices and sport-of-choice, etc. When we share life advice with others, they process it according to their own life-colored perspective. They choose whether to accept a piece of advice in full, in part, or reject it. […]
Love or Slugs?
When we are upbeat, we make it easier for the people around us to be happy. When my children were infants, I read about a research study in which the researchers discovered that if a mother of young children wasn’t happy, then no one else in her family would be, either. This principle can be […]